Our main aim is to offer free support for local companies by providing access to pportunities
from buyers who are committed to procuring more locally.
We also help buyers by sourcing good local subcontractors & materials suppliers, we help buyers to fulfil s106 and Social Value commitments and we support buyers with the preparation of their Local Procurement Strategy.
We offer Networking Events, Meet the Buyer Events and an array of useful and exciting Workshops.
The programme is being delivered by MTW Consultants Ltd which has been managing local procurement initiatives across London for the past 18 years and is running similar programmes in neighbouring Hammersmith & Fulham and Barnet.
If you are in a trade or service based in Kensington and Chelsea which supplies the construction or property maintenance industry, you can register by downloading a registration form or by contacting MTW direct at [email protected]
Networking Events
Our networking events are designed to bring together good local subcontractors & materials suppliers with other trades where synergistic opportunies are available.
These events are held twice a year at the local council office with refreshments provided.
Some recent feedback received:
“Thank you very much indeed for including us yesterday – I thought it was a great event and hope it ran according to your plans”, Sara Ward of Interiors by Sarah Ward
“Many thanks for a great pleasure of meeting you today and the world of opportunities that is out there. We were utterly delighted to meet the contacts that you offered to us and will do our best to turn them into business.” Dmytro and Irina, LNK Brickwork

Meet the Buyer Events
Meet the Buyer Events offer the opportunity for local suppliers to hold one-to-one meetings with buyers. We match suppliers and buyers based on trade and what buyers are looking for to maximise the opportunities for mutal benefit. Many companies have experienced great success from these events.
Some recent feedback received:
“We would just like to thank you for inviting us to your meet the buyers event. We found the morning to be very beneficial and informative and thank you again for the opportunity. Gemma Lane, White & White London Contracts Ltd
“Many thanks for a great pleasure of meeting you today and the world of opportunities that is out there. We were utterly delighted to meet the contacts that you offered to us and will do our best to turn them into business.” Dmytro and Irina, LNK Brickwork
“We really enjoyed today. Great to meet the local trades.” Giles Pryor, Mace Group
Workshops always combined with Buyers!
Our workshops will always combine an educational component with a meet the buyers element. If buyers are present there is invariably better attendance by SMEs.
They are designed to upskill suppliers to win commercial work through workshops and one to one consultancy sessions.
The Buyer’s role will be to give a brief presentation on their project, the opportunities and what SMEs need to get on to their supply chain and then network with SMEs at the end or hold individual meetings with them. The topics for the workshops will partly depend on what suppliers feel their training needs to be. We plan to hold up to 4 workshops during the course of the year.

Workshops on offer
Health & Safety Accreditation
SMEs often go no further than a set of company policies but this rules them out of consideration for a wide range of contract opportunities. We will look to get SMEs motivated to get one or more of the standard accreditations like CHAS, Safe contractor, SSIP, Constructionline etc. without which they will have little chance of getting on to main contractor supply chains. We will include a talk by Achilles Building for Confidence which is an externally assessed health & safety accreditation body which is considered the H&S gold standard by main contractors and a passport to work with them.
Towards ISO accreditation:
This workshop will seek to de-mystify the various ISO accreditations for those SMEs that are looking to raise their game and seek more public sector and larger commercial contracts. ISO 9001(quality assurance) and 14001(environmental), for example, help to significantly de-risk a potential new supplier in the eyes of buyers.
Tendering to Win
Tendering to win: Another skill that SMEs need, in order to bid successfully for both public and private sector contracts, is understanding a client’s needs and values, knowing how to complete a Pre-qualification questionnaire and what to include in a tender
If you are in a trade or service based in Kensington and Chelsea which supplies the construction or property maintenance industry, you can register by downloading a registration form or by contacting MTW direct at [email protected]